Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Ooh finally it's here Eco Friendly Watch

"If your last innovation did not hit the home run, think about your first innovation that did. You have the answers."

This is an INNOVATIVE Eco friendly watch developed by United States. This is one of the Initiative taken by them to control CLIMATIC CHANGE

You can use this for circulation.

A short brief..

       * We need to bring down the level of atmospheric CO2 down to the acceptable level of 350 ppm to sustain life as we know it, but does this concept promise to be a key to individuals becoming responsible citizens of this planet. It will Function as a regular watch, it also constantly pulls in air through the intake vents collecting CO2, and expels new clean air via the exhaust vents.
           * eCO2 would allow individuals keep track of their personal impact on cleaning up the environment. While one watch will reduce CO2, in mass use, the eCO2 watch would process large amounts of CO2.
       * While there are many prototypes of CO2 scrubbers, most use similar technology to remove carbon dioxide from the air. Although the technology to create the CO2 scrubber is advanced, the function of the machine is easy to follow.
1.    Air polluted with carbon dioxide is pumped into the CO2 scrubber.
2.    The air comes into contact with an ion exchange resin, which attracts the carbon dioxide molecules.
3.    The cleaned air is then pumped out of the CO2 scrubber.
The ion exchange resin must be cleaned periodically to retain its usefulness. Currently, humid air is used to remove the carbon from the scrubber. The carbon must then be discarded or reused. One possible use is to pump the collected carbon dioxide into a greenhouse to encourage quicker plant growth. Other scientists see potential in growing algae with the collected carbon, which could then be used as food or fertilizer.

* A small step is the change to fight for climatic change...:-)

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