Saturday, August 28, 2010

Rainy Season in India

Rainy season or the Monsoon arrives during 15-25th June all over India, usually. But it’s not being like usual this year. It’s 20th June already and no sign of a single cloud in the sky. And It is leading lines worrying  on our foreheads. Of course fear of a drought comes in mind.
The Monsoon is always so uncertain. Some times its too much rain, and sometimes no rain. There are unfortunate places which suffer from drought and just couple of months after, from floods.
Rainy season is much awaited in India, in northern part of the country specially, because of warm and dull summers. In India, in summers, temperature goes up to  47° C (about 116°F). There’s a deadly warm wind blowing whole day as well, which is called “Loo” in North and West of India. And daytime in summer means try to be indoors. South and east India are luckier that west and north India in case of getting rain.
After 3 months of hot summer, when the rain drops touch the ground, it naturally feels like life is back. Environment goes greener and greener.  And this is start of the season of festivals of Hinduism. For 3 months of summer, farmers have nothing to do but rainy brings them back to their job and this is start of new academic year in schools and colleges.
This is time of celebration and joy. With a lush green environment. And beginning of a series of Hindu festivals and occasions one after another.In my Country, oh sorry our Country i.e., Indian enjoys this season a lot. Saavan (or Sraavan) month according to the Hindu calendar is dedicated to Hindu deity Shiv. And Murudeshwara (Karnataka) is city dedicated to Shiv. The whole country is buzzed while month with religious activitis and fairs. The month of Saavan is seen a month of romance as well.
The next month Bhaado (Or Bhadrpad) gets heavy rain too. And the series of religious festival is continued in this month also. Before the month Saavan, there is month Aasaarh which is beginning of the monsoon. Aasaarh get heavy rain which fulfils the earth with water.
After Bhaado, it’s almost end of this season with some rain. Then country prepares for the winters.
The rainy season can be said the most important season for India; since it decides how much rain different parts of the country gets. Some places have drought, some places have floods, and some places have both in same year. Monsoon is responsible for deciding the fate of farmers here because agriculture is so much depended on monsoon. So this season decides if farmers are going to have good year or bad. In north and west India, most of the rain of whole year comes in this season and rest of year can be quite dry. So water sources has to be filled in this season as well. That’s why I’m this much eager to have rain.
while writing these lines, I was really lost in the fantasies of the monsoon. I love the evenings of rainy season when there are different beautiful designs of clouds appear in the sky in different colours. And the little wet and sweet breeze (and something yummie to eat). But alas, I see no cloud outside my window. Recent years haven’t been good for monsoon. It has become more uncertain. And this year no sign of its arrival so far. But we are very hope full. :)
Happy Rainy Season....:-)
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